Shropshire & Marches Methodist Circuit Logo Link

Shropshire & Marches
Methodist Circuit

shropshire amp marches methodist circuitimagebayston hill congregationsum at bh methodist

About Us

Bayston Hill is a welcoming, Enabling, LGBTQ+ , Eco Churchand a growing Scripture Garden outside our building. Our building is wheelchair accessible and as an Enabling Church we strive to ensure our written or projected materials, signage, chairs and other aspects of the building use are suitable for neurodivergent and all abilities. Our building is equipped with a T Loop System.

Our Sunday worship ranges from the traditional to the contemporary and we also offer Holy Communion the first Wednesday of each month at 10am. This is a great time for those who are unable to sit for long periods as the service is usually a half an hour. We also offer prayer time on Wednesdays at 10am unless hosting Communion.

Our faith calls us to be concerned with social justice issues, care of creation, economic witness and many of our congregation volunteer with organisations in Shrewsbury and beyond. We also support local and global charities both inside and outside of Methodism.

Celtic Gatherings

Occasionally we have Celtic Worship through Gather Ceteria, a roving Celtic Gathering throughout Shrewsbury. For more information find Gather Ceteria on Facebook.

Church Stewards

Mrs. D. Jones is our Senior Church Steward and can be contacted via
The other Church Stewards are : Mr. A. Carson, Mrs. C. Holman and Mrs. Ruth Grizzell.


Please contact us at to find out times available for regular lettings or one offs. A Session is a morning, afternoon or evening (four hours).

Church Hall- £23 per session
Fellowship Room- £18 per session
Sanctuary/Church- £23 per session


Find us on Facebook at

Revd. S. MacNeill Cooper
Tel: 01743 260 939
Mobile- Text, Whats App, Calls 07511 223 689
The Methodist Centre
Bayston Hill Methodist Church
Landsdowne Road

Quick Links

Get In Touch

c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill

01743 874923

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1139091
The Kingdom of God is at hand