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Shropshire & Marches
Methodist Circuit

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Through The Week

In addition to our Sunday morning Services, the following regular activities also take place on the church premises:


Art Group
The Art Group meets each Monday. The first session is from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon with a further session from 1.30 p.m to 4 p.m. Some members attend both sessions and stay for lunch. In reality this means that people are free to start or finish any time between 9.30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

We cater for anyone from complete beginners to experts. We rarely have teachers as there is always someone in the group who can offer advice such as which type of brush to use, how to mix colours, etc. Members use various mediums for their art work, ie water-colour, pastels and acrylics. Others produce cross-stitch and similar work. We also have a library and instructional videos and DVD's.

Coffee/Tea and Biscuits are available shortly after 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. The charge is £1.50 per session.

Anyone is welcome to join us. You can drop in at any time on a Monday to meet us and to see what we do without any obligation. Coffee-time is always a good time to do this.


Holy Communion A short Communion service takes place on the first Wednesday morning of each month at 10.00am. Everyone is welcome.

Prayers All other Wednesdays we have an informal time of prayer using various resources. All welcomed at 10:00am


Friday Fellowship meeting from 2.00 – 3.30 pm most Fridays.

The Friday Fellowship meets in the church (normally) at 2.00 pm most Fridays. Once per month we have a meeting which focusses on our faith – the other weeks we have speakers/demonstrators on all kinds of subjects. Afterwards we have a cup of tea and a friendly chat!


Gather Ceteria is a Christ of the Celts gathering for those with an interest in Celtic spirituality. Gather Ceteria does not have a 'home' but travels around our other Methodist Churches in Shrewsbury. For more information find us on Facebook

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Get In Touch

c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill

01743 874923

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The Kingdom of God is at hand