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Shropshire & Marches
Methodist Circuit

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Borderlands Rural Chaplaincy

sheep on the hills

In 2001 the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District in conjunction with the then Shrewsbury Circuit set up the Agricultural/Rural Chaplaincy. The work was split 50/50 between work in the Circuit and work in the agricultural sector. As a Rural Chaplain time was spent in visiting the auction markets and various agricultural shows, getting to know the farming community and be known by them. This enabled the Chaplain to be a resource to the Markets/Farmers/ Rural community when pastoral needs arose and to help link Rural and Christian communities.

A grant from the national Methodist Church which had helped to fund the work of the rural chaplain came to an end in 2010. The Chaplaincy Management Committee looked at possible ways the funding gap could be filled.

The Management Committee were extremely keen to try and continue this valuable work and were initially able to secure some limited funding enabling the provision of part-time chaplaincy support to the rural community. Building steadily on this foundation, securing further funding principally from partners Hereford Diocese, the Chaplaincy has developed to become Borderlands Rural Chaplaincy with currently fourteen Chaplains working with agricultural communities across the Shropshire Marches and Welsh Borders.

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c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill

01743 874923

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