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Methodist Circuit

Leah Confirmed at Bishop's Castle Chapel

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awaiting confirmationrevd heinz and leah davies confirmationleah receives a bible from kinnerton chapel stewardrevd george heinz and leah bible studyleahleah with confirmation cupcakes

Church members, family and visitors were delighted to attend the Confirmation Service of Leah Davies, in June. Revd. George Heinz led the service which took place at Bishop's Castle Methodist Centre*.
From the start, the service was a heartening and joyous occasion. Commencing with Ten Thousand Reasons, the first of the Hymns which were all chosen by Leah, the theme of the service, the Great Commission drew from verses of Matthew 18 (16-20) and Acts 2 (38-47). Revd. Heinz spoke of the feeling of continuity and growth Leah's commitment, and pledge would bring to her Christian journey as part of the worldwide Christian community. "In our rural chapels, as part of a small church community, we are all part of something much bigger, that crosses all human boundaries. The Great Commission is not something we can do alone. We have Jesus's promise to be with us always, to rely on". Revd. Heinz continued, "At Pentecost the Spirit is sent to help the disciples. Acts is a story of growth, but this task is not for individuals or small groups of people as we are not doing it alone; God goes with us."
Leah, 14, who volunteers as a Helper at Rainbow Gang and regularly assists with services at Bishop's Castle and Brockton Chapels, started her Christian journey as a child accompanying her mother Jenny to church services and attending first the children's and then youth group activities which she really enjoyed. A conversation at church made her consider Confirmation. "I didn't really think about it but as I was talking to our local vicar, and she mentioned it. I didn't really know what it was all about. So, I went on Google to do some research and spoke to my Godparents about it, and they explained it to me, and it sounded a good idea to be Confirmed." By this time, Leah, encouraged by her Godparents Michael and Elisabeth Knight who run the children's activities, had attended the Alpha Course and learnt more about Jesus, which deepened her faith.
In the months leading up to her Confirmation, Revd. Heinz led Leah in specific Bible studies and exercises. Her preparation period went so well that Leah is keen to maintain her learning, seeking something similar to the Alpha course to do next.
A recent Circuit Meeting agreed to send a card, offering congratulations, prayers and encouragement to Leah.
*Bishop's Castle Methodist Centre is the recently formed amalgamation of Bishop's castle and Brockton Chapels.

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