On a Sunday at the end of September, Ludlow Methodist Church moved out into the community with a special outdoor celebration of harvest.The event, Harvest in the Square, was held in the public square outside Ludlow Castle, and attracted over 60 visitors, who were able to drop in and out at anytime during the morning. Activities were repeated at various points, including music, all-age craft activities and a harvest message.
Those attending were invited to bring along a food related gift to be donated to either Ludlow Food Bank or the Community Fridge run by Hands Together Ludlow. Representatives of the two organisations were present to receive gifts and talk about their work. Borderlands Rural Chaplaincy were also there to talk about their work supporting the local farming community. Many of those present were surprised at the range of need addressed by these charities.
The morning was led by Rev Julia Skitt, a Methodist minister from Oswestry, who spoke about harvest and invited the three charities to talk more about their work. Along with her husband Andy, Rev Skitt runs a mission outreach trailer in the north of the county. On this occasion the trailer travelled to Ludlow to provide a focus for the Harvest in the Square celebration. Music and singing was provided by Rev Dain Pritchard from Ludlow Elim Church.
Craft activities including making a harvest version of a Christingle using apples instead of oranges with harvest themed accessories. Vouchers were provided to enable visitors to get a free tea or coffee from the Castle Lodge Buttery at the square, and conversation was enjoyed with local people and visitors to the town from as far afield as Australia.
Contributed by Mike Owens
c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill