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Circuit Away Day Caring for Creation 2022
Following the successful Away Day last year 'down on the farm' courtesy of the Gwatkin family, another Away Day/Weekend is being planned for:
The programme is being finalised but will be a similar format to last year with three sessions on Saturday with different topics, on the theme of 'Food for All? . . . Food Chains'. There will also be activities for children.
On Sunday we will come together for a Circuit worship service.
There is room for all! The main hall at Minsterley seats 300 and there is parking space for 100 cars. There is also a children's playground and outdoor exercise equipment for older children/adults with plenty of green space for your picnic, weather permitting.
The main thing for the moment is to take note of the date and plan to be there! Full details will be circulated as soon as possible.
c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill