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Shropshire & Marches
Methodist Circuit

3Generate Manifesto

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3gen manifesto 1920

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. In response to this, each year a 3Generate Manifesto is produced, based on the conversations that took place and expressing the views, concerns and aspirations of the children and young people who attended.

The Manifesto is a summary of the key things children and young people at 3Generate said they cared about or wanted to see changed. At 3Gen 2019 children and young people were asked to to help build the Manifesto in a visible way – by adding bricks to a wall each time a new key point was made. You can watch a video of the manifesto wall being built here.

Circuits and churches are encouraged to engage with the issues identified as being important to children and young people in the church by the Manifesto. How will these make it onto your church council agenda? What is your church already doing to tackle the things that are important to children and young people? Get involved by talking to your steward or minister and making sure the Manifesto is on your church council's next meeting agenda.

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