Pontesbury Hill Chapel is a place known for our hospitality, community dinners and special events.
Nestled away on top of the hill, the Chapel has a wonderful Church Hall/Community Room complete with fire place and kitchen. We are also known for our Cafe Breakfast worship, which offers bacon butties/baps, tea, coffee and a relaxed style of worship.
If you are wishing to join us for worship or an event, please be aware that parking on the hill can be challenging if you don't know the nooks or crannies. There is a very small car park behind the chapel for the agile driver and parking along the wall also. Parking at the base of the hill is also available and give yourself a few extra minutes to take in the nice flowers and take a breath walking up the hill.
Pontesbury Chapel is mostly accessible for most abilities (one small step into the chapel and hall) and once inside is largely barrier free. There is however no loop system for the hard of hearing.
If it is your first time or your first time in a long time, you are welcome with us.
Information about our Minister can be found here
c/o The Methodist Centre
Lansdowne Road
Bayston Hill